Challenge Background
What we are looking for
We want to implement effective and innovative water management in order to increase production and productivity in the agricultural sector and thus achieve food self-sufficiency using local inputs.
In order to do so we need to collect and store surface water ( could be with the use of geomembrane) and an independent waste water treatment system; in order to irrigate, restore and conserve land
Solution criteria
Cost effective solution
Low maintenance
Easy to use by local communities
Would need capacity building for farmers in best production techniques in a desert environment
What we offer
3R will ensure the installation and maintenance of equipment and train local users for better sustainability.

3R Recycling is a waste management and green energy consulting company created in 2017 in Mali. The company is specialized in designing innovative and tailor made waste management solutions for states, industries and organizations in the Sahel region. 3R is the biggest waste management company operating in the mining industry in Mali with 30 employees.
