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Water Scarcity & Availability

Harvesting our water

Challenge Background

In areas of oasis ecosystems existence such as Niger, where about 77% of the territory is occupied by Saharan zone (MESUDD, 2019), which does receive only about 150 mm of maximum rainfall per year. Water is the central challenging component of livelihoods and development in rural areas. In Niger, in the oasis areas mainly in the Agadez and Zinder regions (Air, Damagaram & Manga), there are hundreds of small scale farmers with associated livestock practices in the oasis ecosystems. But, facing various climate events water scarcity and availability in food and energy production for communities’ livelihoods. Indeed, many of them need an intervention to help them cope with these problems. Even though, people use traditional practice (Indigenous and local knowledge) to collect rainwater, where mountain tributaries constitute a wide quantity of water in flow, which can be shown by the flooding, where thousands of m3 are lost. Indeed, this problem combined to trees absence is the main drivers of land degradation and water loss from flooding to huge loss and damage.

What we are looking for

Water Harvesting technology by renewable energy for irrigation system

Solution criteria

Easily Harvest, Retain and use water sustainably
Easy to Handle by communities
Adaptive techniques throughout the year
Off-grid power generation
Change by modernized system in food production rather than contemporary

What we offer

Implementation of new technologies, co-design new models for operation



The CNEDD is the national body in Niger for the coordination and monitoring of activities relating to the Post-Rio conventions (UNFCCC, UNCBD, UNCCD) and their protocols as well as any other convention that it may subscribe to in this area. It is the national political focal point for monitoring the implementation of these conventions.



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